Flying with a baby/ toddler alone isn’t easy! I thought I would share some tips to help traveling with a toddler on your lap a little easier.
I have traveled with Luke so many times his first year. As a baby he would just sleep the whole flight or road trip! Now, traveling with a 15 month old that is very mobile is a lot different then traveling when he was little. Here are some tips/ tricks that have helped flying with a lap child!
- Pick a good time to Fly – Maybe choose to fly around your little ones nap time. Don’t choose a flight around dinner time and a time that you’re child would be cranky. I find that mid morning flights work best for us. Luke wakes up happy after a full nights rest and he can be feed breakfast and ready to fly!
- Try to get extra seat – Flying with a child under 2 means your child sits on your lap for the flight unless you pay for an extra ticket. Sometimes you can ask flight attendants if the flight is full. If its not, you may have a chance to grab an extra seat between you and another person flying. This gives your child extra room to play or even sit/lay on your lap.
- Pick your Seat – I find that the window seat works best for us! Luke loves to look out the window and it distracts him for a little while. He also likes to watch during takeoff and landing.
- Bring Plenty of Snacks/ Drinks – I know with my little one, I can never have too many snacks on me! Even when he has endless snacks in my bag, he also wants what the person next to us is eating lol. Be sure to pack an empty sippy cup to put your child’s fave drink in. I bring a sippy cup that doesn’t spill and has a cover so when he isn’t drinking that straw can be covered and not touch anything in the airplane.
- Distractions – Aka toys, books, etc. Bring your little ones favorite toys to keep them occupied during the flight. I bring books for Luke – like these. Perfect little books to throw in your diaper bag and they won’t get ruined or take up much space in your bag.